If you have ever hear about Mindvalley, have come accross their adds but were too repelled to spend 500 euros for a one year subscription, this post is for you.

Mindvalley has popped up in my social media feeds for quiet a while, but something was repelling to me. It might have been the overly spiritual approach mixed together with the founders voice or demeanor, I could not really figure it out. Whatever it was, I did not sign up for a one year subscription – as Mindvalley does not offer monthly subscriptions but only the possibility to buy a course that makes the price of a full year of unlimitied course watching. Mindvalley did not offer 3,4 or 7 day trials either – so I felt that I need to buy a pig in a poke.

But as chances are, my friend told me about her subscription to Mindvalley and offered to share accounts. I skimmed through the programme and actually really enjoyed some of the courses. After using her account for about a month, I subscribed to a one year membership with Mindvalley.

What is Mindvalley?

Mindvalley offers programmes on topics such as personal development, career, relationship, healthy living. It includes a variety of different coaching programmes curated by different coaches. The website includes an App, which I recommend to be using. It is easier to navigate. However, the website can also be used to keep track of the progress. The sessions are bite-sized, making it possible for anyone to go at their own pace in small chunks.

Mindvalley Subscription and the Courses to expect

The courses cover a wide range of topics and I am confident everyone will find something that speaks to them. My friend did a lot of the Yoga quests and some relationship courses, while I was captivated by Marisa Peers courses and the Speak and Inspire programme by Laura Nichols. Also Paul McKennas course on confidence has taught me a great deal about myself and the relationship I hold with myself. His voice in guided meditations is exceptionally relaxing.

Mindvalley offers a great deal of topics and a variety of speakers with different approaches. I find some of the courses – for example Marie Diamond on Feng Shui or Jeffrey Allen on Dualism – a little too woosie for myself, others, such as Jim Kwiks superbrain or Denis Waitley’s Psychology of Winning, are hands on and for practical use. That is to support the point made, Mindvalley really got something for everyone. From QiGong, energy healing, Tapping and Yoga on to course creation, Tantra, confidence and a wealth mindset.

Mindvalley has a wholesome approach to developing a succesful mindset and wants to include as many pillars to success as possible. The hyper-spiritual approach on some of the topics might be repelling for some, but it could also open up others to see beyond and to simply be curios. I like a hands-on approach, however, there are also things we can not yet measure, but it does not necessarily mean they do not work. It is like taking a placebo; They often work simply because we believe they do. Exploring new things that are out of the ordinary opens ourselves up for a variety of new possibilities. Having said that; Do not be the party pooper who only believes what can be measured. Be the one who is critical enough to not fall for everything and yet curious enough to try out new stuff. Out of the ordinary, unconventional things.

Are the Mindvalley courses worth the money?

Of the one year subscription, I have 2 months left. Will I renew it? No, I will not. Do I think Mindvalley was worth 500 Euros? Yes, I do. Mindvalley was a great experience and I am happy I have signed up for this programme. 500 Euros may sound like much to some, but honestly, at the end of the day it equals to less than 50 Euros per month, which is nothing for what we can gain from it. A deeper sense of understanding, new learning experiences and a broader horizon when it comes to self-exploration. The Mindvalley courses are structured in bite-sized chunks and I did one or more Quests (a part of the programme) each and every morning with my first coffee. The speakers are great and reputable. I am not a novice to personal development, but here is the thing; We can know everything about personal development, but the trick is not in the “knowing” but in the applying, and in order to really apply the knowledge, one must repeat, repeat, repeat. There have been courses where everything the speaker said, I already knew. But hearing it again served as further reinforcement to apply what had been taught. The variety of programmes is impressive and I would argue that anyone can find something compelling and stimulating. The reason I will not renew Mindvalley for now is that I currently use a variety of other programmes that focus on topics that are more relevant to my learning path – I use Masterclass, Maestro, Udemy, Coursera and, the coolest of them all: Wondrium.

There is a time for everything, and if you are feeling called to check out Mindvalley, I highly encourage you to do so. Some criticise Mindvalley because of the price. I somewhat understand this criteria and I think Mindvalley should offer more flexibility, such as 3 month or 6 month subscriptions. However, investing in oneself is one of the greatest investments one can make.

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